Dress Code
Students are required to be in school dress upon entering and leaving the building. The only exception to this occurs at the end of the day when a student is required to change for athletics or a related activity. Career and Technology students may change 10 minutes before signing out for the center in the Main Office. Homeroom teachers are required to report any student out of dress code during the morning homeroom period. The administration reserves the right to be the final arbiter on any dress code or uniform issues.
Uniforms and shoes may be purchased in the Saints Locker or Flynn O'Hara. Please click on the link for additional information.
Fall & Spring: From the beginning of school until the first Monday in November and from the first Monday in April until the end of the school year, students have the option of wearing the short sleeve or long sleeve golf-type shirt with the Berks Catholic High School emblem. These shirts will take the place of the regular uniform shirt and tie, only gray or plain white T-shirts may be worn under the golf shirt. Boys who opt not to wear the golf shirt may wear the standard uniform; however, they are not required to wear a sweater. Students are not required to tuck in the shirt that has the elastic band at the bottom. Boys can wear the banded shirt outside of their pants. White or black banded polo’s must be purchased from The Saints Locker or Flynn O'Hara.
Winter: White button down dress shirt, long or short sleeved can be purchased at any store. Every button must be fastened at all times, including cuffs. Shirts shall remain tucked in at all times. Sleeves shall not be rolled up. Fall and Spring Only gray or plain white T-shirts may be worn under the dress shirt or polo.
Fall & Spring: From the beginning of school until the first Monday in November and from the first Monday in April until the end of the school year, students have the option of wearing the short sleeve or long sleeve golf-type shirt with the Berks Catholic High School emblem. These shirts will take the place of the regular uniform blouse, only gray or plain white T-shirts may be worn under the golf shirt. Girls who opt not to wear the golf shirt may wear the standard uniform; however, they are not required to wear a sweater. Students are not required to tuck in the shirt that has the elastic band at the bottom. Girls can wear the banded shirt outside of their pants. White or black banded polo’s must be purchased from The Saints Locker or Flynn O'Hara.
Winter: White button down dress blouse, long or short sleeved can be purchased at any store or short sleeve or long sleeve golf-type shirt with the Berks Catholic High School emblem. Every button must be fastened at all times, including cuffs. Shirts shall remain tucked in at all times (Banded shirts do not have to be tucked in.) Sleeves shall not be rolled up. Fall and Spring white or black banded polo’s must be purchased from The Saints Locker or Flynn O'Hara. Only gray or plain white T-shirts may be worn under the dress shirt or polo. Button down or golf shirt must be worn with a school sweater.
Fall/Spring: Opaque, pattern-less, black knee-high socksor black opaque tights.
Winter: Black opaque tights.
Certain days are designated as “dress down” days. Some days follow specific themes for dress. In order for students to participate, they must follow the directive as published for that particular theme day. In the event a student does not dress per the theme of the day, he/she must wear the regular school uniform.
Dress down regulations: no skirts shorter than uniform skirt regulation, no tight fitting clothing, no low cut tops, no tank tops, and no half skirts. Jeans must fit properly without holes or tears. Rules for jewelry and shaving are in effect.
Students whom the school’s administrators deem are dressed inappropriately will receive a detention and may be required to leave school and return in the proper school uniform.
- Shirts–
- Ties– Boys must wear the approved school tie (two options) which is available in the school store.
- Socks -Socks shall be worn.
- Slacks– Boys can wear either gray dress slacks which must be purchased from Flynn O'Hara (these are not hemmed) or purchase khaki dress slacks at a store of their own choice. They must be hemmed and not be frayed, ripped or stained.
- Belts– Fabric belts or leather dress belts are allowed. Acceptable colors are brown, khaki, cordovan, or black. Bizarre or large size (as determined by school administrators) belt buckles are not allowed. A belt must be worn with slacks.
- Sweater– School sweater to include a vest option, v-neck pullover, or v-neck cardigan with the official school seal. Sweaters shall have no holes. Only school sponsored pins, buttons, ribbons etc. are allowed on the sweater or uniform.
- Footwear– Students have a choice of three styles of approved shoes, (Sperry's may be purchased at Flynn O'Hara as well as your favorite shoe store) Athletic shoes may only be worn in gym class or during “Dress-down days.” Socks must be worn.
- Grooming– Boys are to be clean-shaven. Mustaches, beards and sideburns that are longer than the bottom of the ear lobe are forbidden. Hair must be above the collar and may not extend below the eyebrow or over the tops of the ears. No man-buns, bizarre hair-dos and makeup (example: spiked, unnaturally colored dyed; i.e., hair must be natural looking) are not acceptable. Boys who are required to shave after arriving at school will receive demerits and shall be fined $1.00 to pay for shaving supplies.
- Jewelry– Watches and one ring are the only jewelry items allowed.
- Prohibited Items– Headbands, suspenders, scarves or bandannas, non-uniform shirts (chambray, denim), tank tops, any necklaces that are visible when wearing the school uniform to include religious medals, rolled up or spiked trouser cuffs, ankle-length coats (“Gothic Look”), spiked bracelets, visible key chains either on a belt clip or worn on lanyards, hats inside the school, earrings, and visible tattoos, are all prohibited.
- Blouses–
- Uniform Skirt–All girls must wear the official plaid pleated kilt or pleated gray skirt from Flynn O'Hara.
- Skirts must be 1 inch from the top of the knee cap. Skirts that cannot be lengthened in accordance with the school mandate of 1 inch from the top of the knee cap must be replaced.
- Skirts are not permitted to be rolled.
- Slacks:Girls may wear khaki dress slacks from Flynn O'Hara please note: only slacks from Flynn O'Hara may be worn. They shall have properly tailored cuffs and shall not be frayed, ripped or stained. A belt must be worn with slacks.
- Belts: Fabric belts or leather dress belts are allowed. Acceptable colors are brown, khaki, cordovan, or black. Bizarre or large size (as determined by school administrators) belt buckles are not allowed.
- Footwear– Students have a choice of three styles of approved shoes, available only at Boscov’s (Berkshire Mall store only). Athletic shoes may only be worn in gym class or during “Dress-down days.” Socks must be worn.
- Socks:
- Sweater– School sweater to include a vest option, v-neck pullover, or v-neck cardigan with the official school seal. Sweaters shall have no holes. Only school sponsored pins, buttons, ribbons etc. are allowed on the sweater or uniform.
- Jewelry– Watches, three rings, one necklace, three wrist bracelets and two pair of earrings maximum worn only in the ears (diameter not to exceed two inches or no longer than two inches) are the only jewelry items allowed. Any eccentric, excessive or unbecoming jewelry (As determined by the school administrators) is unacceptable.
- Prohibited Items– Bizarre hair-dos (example: spiked, unnaturally colored dyed hair), hats, ankle-length coats (“Gothic Look”) may not be worn. Any type of excessive or unbecoming cosmetics (including bizarre nail polish or lipstick/gloss), and visible tattoos are prohibited. Sweat pants or pajama style pants may not be worn in the school with the school uniform.
- Individual exceptions to the dress code for personal and medical reasons will be considered, and if appropriate, granted by the Assistant Principal of Discipline upon written request from a parent or guardian.
- Students not in proper compliance with the dress code will be suspended from class and will be required to report to the Main Office until properly attired.
- All students must be in total compliance with the Dress Code 7:50 a.m. through 2:30 p.m. Any student participating in an on-campus after-school activity shall remain in their school uniform until they have changed into their practice/game clothing.
- All students must have their shirts tucked in entirely around the waist unless they are wearing the “banded” golf shirt with the elastic bottom.